Digital Media Awards Guidelines
How to Submit
Failure to follow any of these instructions may disqualify you from entering into these awards.
- Complete an entry form. You must scroll down the form to find your particular award section and category.
- Important note: In order to submit you must sign up for a free Submittable account. You will only have to do this once and can submit into multiple categories with that same information.
- Please be prepared to upload your supporting entry documents at the same time as you fill out your entry form. Acceptable formats include:
PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, WMA, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, AND ZIP - Audio or visual entries links to a video sharing website like YouTube or Vimeo are preferred. Please include any required password details.
- Open to IACP members and non-members.
- For broadcast categories: Any audio or visual work that fits the stated requirements and was first aired during the 2024 calendar year is eligible.
- Submissions that were published in a language other than English must include an English translation with the original work.
- Specific posts or stories that were published in more than one location online, or in more than one medium, will be considered as one work and should be submitted as a single entry.
- If there is a paywall or login required to access the submitted work, please provide the login with your submission.
- Entrants may submit more than one specific work (e.g., different blogs, video series, audio series) but cannot submit the same work to multiple categories (e.g., a website cannot be submitted in both the Culinary Recipe Website category and the Food Blog categories; etc.).
Supporting Material Requirements
Failure to follow any of these instructions will automatically disqualify an entry.
Other important notes:
- Please note that invalid links, those that change after submission, or media that fails to stream under normal conditions may invalidate entries. It is the entrant’s responsibility to assure that all links to specific submitted pages continue to work and that media is uploaded and streaming properly during the judging period.
- Online media should be in standardized media formats and viewable through common browsers and applications. Video formats should be accepted by standard video streaming sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Audio should be available as .wmv, .mp3, or .ra. Requirements to download proprietary software, install uncommon drivers, or pay for third-party applications or access to pay-for-streaming providers will invalidate entries. If you have questions about appropriate formats, please contact IACP Awards at
Entry Fee
REGULAR ENTRY PERIOD – FEBRUARY 21, 2025 – APRIL 17, 2025 – $75.00
Submission Deadline