Looking for an answer to your Cookbook question? It’s here!

Q: What are the Cookbook Awards?

Since 1986, the IACP Cookbook Awards have honored the authors, publishers, and other contributors behind the best of cookbooks published each year. Awards are given in 15 categories and one book will be selected as the Cookbook of the Year.

Q: When is the submission deadline?

Submissions open on February 6, 2025 and are due no later than March 21, 2025. All books and supporting materials must be received at Publishers Storage and Shipping address below no later than April 4, 2025.

Publishers Storage and Shipping

PSSC – Receiving IACP
660 S. Mansfield
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Q: Who can enter the awards?

Our awards are open to all. You do not need to be an IACP member to submit. No one from the IACP board or staff nor IACP freelancers or sponsors, nor their immediate families, can enter or vote on the awards, nor know who the finalists or winners are in advance, with the exception of the IACP awards liaison. The IACP awards liaison cannot enter or vote for the awards, but will know the finalists and winners in advance to ensure the proper announcement of the finalists and winners.

Q: Do sponsors of the awards participate in judging or in choosing awards outcomes?

No. Sponsors do not participate in the judging of awards and have no say in the outcome.

Q: When must a book have been published to be eligible for the 2025 Awards?

Books must have a 2024 copyright to be eligible.

Q: Do you accept books published outside the US?

Books from any country may be submitted as long as they meet all criteria and are written in English. If a book is submitted in another language, it can only be judged based on the English sections in the book.

Q: Do you accept books that are self-published?

Yes. All Books entered must have an ISBN to qualify.

Q: Do you accept e-books?

At this time we do not accept e-books and we only accept physical books, whether hard or soft cover.

Q: Do you accept revised editions?

Yes. If the entered book is a revised edition, the majority of the reissue must be new, and five (5) copies of the edition prior to the current revision must accompany the entry. Revised edition entries must also be accompanied by the IACP Revised Edition Affidavit Form to verify that more than 50% of the revised edition copy is new.

Q: Are bilingual books eligible?

Yes. Bilingual books are accepted if they meet all eligibility requirements, with the understanding that they are judged only on their English content.

Q: Are books in a boxed set eligible?

Boxed sets are judged as a single entry if the books are sold only as a set. If books are available individually, a separate entry form and fee must accompany each book entered in the awards program.

Q: How much does it cost to enter?
A: Early Bird – February 6, 2025 to February 20, 2025, the entry fee is $200.00 (US) per title, per category entered.
Regular – February 21, 2025 – March 21, 2025, the entry fee is $250.00 (US) per title, per category entered.

Q: Can I enter more than one book?

Yes, you can, as long as each book meets the eligibility criteria.

Q: Can I enter the same book into more than one category?

Yes, you may enter as many categories as you wish on the same entry form, but for each category entered, you must submit the entry fee and the required number of books (see below).

Q: How many books must I submit?

Five (5) copies of the book must be submitted for each category entered. If you are submitting a revised edition of a book, you must also submit five (5) copies of the edition previous to the one you are entering.

Q: What if I’m not sure about which category to enter?

If you have questions about awards suitability, you may contact Director of Awards, Paola Briseño González at paola@iacp.com. IACP retains the right to advise the publisher/author if a book is entered in an inappropriate category, and may recommend a more appropriate category or categories where the book may be more competitive. However, the final category selection is the responsibility of the publisher/author.

Q: Is a fee or additional paperwork required to qualify for Cookbook of the Year?

No. Entry into any awards category will make you automatically eligible for consideration for Cookbook of the Year Award, which is restricted to category winners.

Q: When will finalists and winners be announced?

Finalists will be announced at the end of August 2025. Winners in each category will be announced at the IACP Awards Ceremony in October 2025.

Q: Can I attend the Awards Ceremony?

Yes! All entrants are encouraged to attend. Date and location to be announced.